Thursday, May 15, 2008


Well it is not just Obama blaming his problems on racist America but also many of his followers which are following suit.

Last night the Barackstar did draw a large crowd down to the Van Andel Arena. Droves of dems lined the streets to catch a glimpse of Obama. Also there to greet B. Hussein was a group of College Republicans and Kent County GOP-ers. It was a very peaceful protest. White flags were waved to show Obama’s defeatism as he would pull troops from Iraq if he were elected.

Though we were peaceful, the expected became reality. Obama supporters were using off color language toward us. Their shameful ignorance was abounding as we were also called racist for protesting Barack.

I am here to set anyone, who boorishly thinks the same, straight. We didn’t protest him because he was black. We protested him because he is the most liberal U.S. Senator. He has no experience to back up his run for office and his divisive, arrogant, and pompous attitude is something that needs to be contested. Obama’s political ideals will, and are, destroying any traditional values this nation has left.

For further reading on Obama’s blame on racist America:

Kent County GOP White Flag Ad:

Chaz Oswald

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


The Michigan Federation of College Republicans hosted their second Resolution Weekend. This time however it was in Jackson, Michigan to assist Congressman Tim Walberg with literature drops. Nearly 3000 houses were hit last weekend by the team of 35 or so College Republicans from around the state.

Excuse me if I forget a few Colleges but we did have representation from:
-The University of Michigan
-Grand Rapids C.C.
-Eastern Michigan
-Central Michigan
-Western Michigan
(and again I am sure I am missing a college or two)

We met at 7:00pm Friday night at the Ganson Street Baptist Church where we had dinner (of course delicious pizza) and played Matt Golden’s hilarious ice breaker to kick the weekend in to gear. Justin Zatkoff and Matt Hall both spoke, both encouraging us and thanking us for our involvement with Resolution Weekend.

Once we completed dinner, it was time to head to our hotel. This time we did not have to stuff any literature but rather spent the remaining evening engaged in political conversation and even fun games until the early morning.

Saturday arrived quickly, and after getting around it was time to meet at Congressman Tim Walberg’s headquarters to pick up literature and coordinate the drop-off! I of course drove and filled my car with four others to head out. After driving around for way to long we finally found our first address. It was rather exciting! Upon finishing up our literature drops we went straight back to headquarters (minus a Starbucks run) for lunch. This time Quiznos!

To complete the short weekend, that was way too much fun, Congressman Tim Walberg encouraged us with a few words. Then, after getting a few pictures it was time to say goodbye. Yes, as always, it is hard to say goodbye to your friends but it felt awesome knowing we helped the Congressman get a jump start on his campaign in a fashion that frightens the left!

I hope you join the REVOLUTION at our next RESOLUTION WEEKEND!

Stay Encouraged and Look Up,
Chaz Oswald