Tuesday, April 29, 2008

May Already?!

Trees are budding, flowers are blooming, and school is concluding. After an extremely chilly and snowy winter I know I am not alone with hoping the warm weather appears rapidly.

With May only a couple days away I wanted to remind all College Republicans that this weekend is our May Resolution Weekend! Many of you were able to attend our first, and quite successful, Resolution Weekend in April. This event will be relatively similar.

This time, however, we will be in Jackson, Michigan. We are planning on leaving again from C.C. near the flagpole around 5:00pm on Friday. Check in time at our hotel will be around 7:00-7:30pm Friday evening and we will be done Saturday around 3:00pm to head home. Yes, it will be a relatively short trip but it will have an enormous impact on elections.

Chaz Oswald

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