Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A Successful Event

The Resolution Weekend last Friday and Saturday was most definitely a success. Six of us from GRCC drove down to Oakland County and met at Oakland University to get organized and discuss petitions. We were trained in how to circulate petitions and also how to become precinct delegates. After the speeches, we had dinner and socialized. Socializing with other College Republicans is always a pleasure. We get to know people we should know and have a great time doing it. In this world, one always benefits from knowing the right people, and the right people were there at the resolution weekend.

After dinner we started putting literature together to give to people on Saturday. One would think that stuffing four pieces of lit in each newspaper bag would be boring, but anything is a good time when done with friends and those who are likeminded. Political discussions with liberals can often be taxing but the same discussions are much fun for me personally when had with fellow conservatives.

The next day, we gathered again at OU and met Joe Knollenberg himself, who spoke to us about our mission that day. We also heard from Jack Hoogendyk, who is taking on Carl Levin for the US Senate this November. It is such a blessing to listen to men such as these who really care about the little guys in our party. Afterward, I stood and chatted with Knollenberg himself, and I must say it is exciting to chat with a man who is in the US House of Representatives. I’m shy and didn’t really know what to say, but I must say that it was a motivating experience.

I was more than happy to go door to door to support this man in this vital reelection campaign. While we were distributing literature, we asked each person a few questions and asked them to sign a petition, which was to get Jack Hoogendyk on the ballot. It turns out that Hoogendyk still needs more signatures to get him on the ballot for US Senate. Many people signed and we made much progress.

The most exciting thing about this is that we were making a serious political difference. For years, I’ve wanted to make things better in this world. Do we all? But now I’m getting a serious opportunity. By getting going door to door, talking with people, and getting them to sign petitions, we are getting better people into office to displace those who wouldn’t be beneficial. We young college students are making a big difference. Only about 1% of Americans do anything at all in politics, and by doing this we’ve entered into the 1% most influential people in America. Can you tell this excites me yet?

Making a difference isn’t restricted to the people who went last weekend. Right now, any number of you Gentle Readers can go to the nearest Republican headquarters and grab petitions for Hoogendyk and get people signing. We need 15,000 signatures statewide before May 13th I believe.

There is one last opportunity I want to mention to you, and it is explained on Right Michigan. Basically we’re circulating more another petition to get an excellent man and a strong conservative a position as judge in the 4th District Court of Appeals. We plan to make a day trip of it this Saturday. If you clink the link above to Right Michigan you will see all the details you need to get involved!

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