Wednesday, October 10, 2007

‘One-State Recession’

Dearborn, Michigan –yesterday Fred Thompson joined eight other Republican Presidential candidates in a GOP debate. With Jenny running jobs out of our state and raising taxes on the hard working Michiganians, no wonder the main theme for the debate focused upon economic issues.

Mitt Romney said it best when describing Michigan’s economy, “It’s inexcusable that Michigan is undergoing a one-state recession. … And, in some respects, what Michigan is seeing, the entire nation is going to see, unless we take action now to get Michigan stronger.” Romney went on to joke that he was surprised that Granholm did not tax the debate!

According to the Michigan Labor Market, Michigan’s unemployment rate is the highest in the United States at a staggering 7.4%. That even puts us behind the District of Columbia who has an unemployment rate of 5.7%. While George W. Bush has created an atmosphere for our markets that has had 49 consecutive months of job growth, Jenny has scared jobs and people away from Michigan. “Our real problem continues to be that an American company is having to pay an extraordinary high tax. … That’s why people in Michigan are going, looking for something to do,” Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee.

With Jenny raising taxes on Michigan businesses is it any wonder why we are loosing jobs? As Representative Duncan Hunter explains, “1.8 million jobs…have moved to communist China from the United States, including over 54,000 jobs from Michigan.”

All I have to say is, “thanks Jenny.”

1 comment:

eplatte said...

and lets not forget the most logical statements of the entire night...

"we are beginning to live beneath our means, and that is a natural consequence of when you live beyond your means."


"Why don't we just open up the constitution and read it once in a while!"
both by Ron Paul