Thursday, October 18, 2007

Words from a Marine Sergeant serving in Iraq

“We get a little info from higher about what's going on in Al Anbar but the Marines that came before us did such a good job we haven't dropped hardly any ordnance. [i.e. Bombs and missiles] The general word about the war is that we're winning and the Iraqis are getting better at standing on their own.”

A Marine I know, who is a Sergeant in the Marine Corps serving in Iraq, said that in a message to his family and friends. How many people know that about Iraq? We’re hardly fighting anymore in Anbar, because there are precious few terrorists to kill in some areas. Let’s face it. Al Anbar is pacified. That’s right. Pacified. (Remember, people, that Anbar was considered a lost cause as recently as a year ago. That’s how much things have improved) Now did you hear that on the News? I’m willing to bet you didn’t. Bush gave a speech to that effect on Labour day, but precious few people even know he gave a speech, much less know what he said. The media refuses to tell us.

Not only that, but they blatantly lied about General Patraeus’ speech to Congress. I watched the speech he gave and he basically said Iraq is just about won. But the next day on the today show, they were showing just the right clips of the dems speaking to make it appear that we’ve lost. It’s not just misleading anymore. It’s lying. Now I don’t mean to rant about the media. I’m sure conservatives do enough of that without my help. But the point is, we need to get our objective information. We know the media lie, so we need another source. My source is the warriors serving in Iraq. My Marine friend is there, so I can ask him. Previously I had a friend serving there as an MP so I asked him and he said that the situation was endlessly getting better, though it was still a lot more violent when he was there. Even that shows the great amount of improvement.

Now I’m not saying that we’ve won yet. Bagdad has yet to be pacified, and they still need our help, But the situation is endlessly improving. That Sergeant isn’t even that far from Bagdad and his area is pacified

It is also worth mentioning that after Bush gave his speech there, Terrorists tried to counter him by stepping up the violence in Anbar. They failed. They simply could not do their job where they have no influence. Don’t let the media confuse you. We’re winning in Iraq.

PS: I used the term pacified, but the Marine I was talking to said that word was not valid. His complaint was that it implied that the people do not trouble us for we have forced them not to, which is not accurate. He prefers to explain that the Iraqis are choosing to work with the Americans and that terrorists are simply not welcome in Anbar

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